Tuesday, November 13

Rise! Resist! Revolt! is Changing...

Comrades, RRR is changing as a blog. The main change that will take place is that its open to all Revolutionary Leftists now. Any Marxist who would like to post can feel free to contact me by dropping a comment or sending an email. Several comrades of mine from a good mix of political backgrounds have wanted to join the team. When I started this blog, I was hoping to update it more frequently, but alot of things have popped up making it harder too find the time, so I got the idea to try to get together a grouping of people who share a hatred of capitalism and all the problems it brings the world; Racism, Poverty, Oppression, War, Starvation etc.. and recognize the need for a revolution to establish socialism a system where the working class owns the means of production and the wealth created is used to benefit everyone. Blackstone, from the Power to the People! blog (check my blogroll), is the first comrade to join the team. Look out for his insightful and revolutionary commentary.


Frank Partisan said...

I wasn't an activist when I started my blog. If you read the earliest posts, you would be surprised. I was an activist in the 60s through 80s, stopped and returned due to my blogging.

My blog is unique that the commenters are so diverse. Although I support causes on the left, I only endorse my comrades. Of those who comment only about four are from my tendency. John Peterson is nat'l chairman of Workers Int'l League and Hands Off Venezuela founder and Marxist from Lebanon is a sympathizer. I'm in a sense far from the females who are on my blog team.

Try to be linked to other blogs. That brings traffic.

I know someone who might join your blog.

blackstone said...

Thanks for the support. I look forward to posting soon. Stay tuned!


MC Fanon said...

Looking forward to reading more from RRR, Henry.

The Red Son said...

I saw your post on Rev Left, and like I said there would love to contribute, but am busy with The Revolution Script